Saturday, April 2, 2011

Learn how to fight back by defending yourself!

We have all heard the saying, "Defense is the best offense!". When it comes to our walk in Christ, there couldn't be a better expression to teach us how we can achieve victory in Jesus' name. Ephesians 6;11 says "Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil", and verse 13 goes on saying "Wherefore take unto you the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

So what does this all mean? Both verses express the need to, now here's the key word, WITHSTAND the devil and his evil tactics. In other words, we have to hold our ground, stand tall and defend ourselves. Lets face it, the devil is not going to stop attacking and he's going to try everything and anything to take us out. He's going to throw everything he's got (even the kitchen sink!) to take us off balance so that we lose our footing and fall flat on our faces. He wants us to stop fulfilling God's will. That's how he operates!

Now that may seem like the problem but that's not the problem! Here's the problem; Many of us, and when I say many of us I include myself because I'm of no exception, we're losing our battles because we're trying so hard to fight back. Our focus is so much on the offense, and meanwhile, we don't even realize that we're getting hammered by the devil's attacks. If we aren't paying any mind to the defense, that's a big mistake. Brothers and sisters, our focus needs to be on the defense as well as the offense.We need to be prepared and alert because an attack can come at any given time, from any person,and  in any place. You have to understand that the devil is so cunning, he knows when your defense is down; he knows when your most vulnerable.

One of the key points of raising our defense, or better said the main key point to maintain our guard up is prayer. We need a healthy prayer life in order to "withstand" those attacks, as the scripture says in the book of Ephesians. You see prayer is more defense than anything else. Many make a big mistake and use prayer as an offense attack against the devil, when in reality, it's meant to keep us strong in defense. You see, God gave us specific tools, or weapons that are meant for specific situations. We can't use a tool for a purpose it's not meant to be used for; or we can't use an improper weapon during a battle, or can we? The job won't get properly done, or we'll lose the battle! It's like using a screwdriver to hammer a nail, or a hammer to screw in a screw; or better yet, it's just like bringing a knife to a gun fight. In any of these cases, we will lose. We have got to understand and learn how to use the weapons and tools the Lord has given us. In Ephesians 6;11-18, Paul gives a list of things we need to put on as armor and their specific purposes. You can see for yourself, our offense is the WORD OF GOD, not prayer! Ephesians 6-17 says, "the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God". That's our weapon of offense against Satan. When Jesus was tempted by Satan himself, Jesus used specific scriptures from the book of Deuteronomy to rebuke Satan, not prayer.

Now, with said, many Christians only use prayer at the moment of struggle, or when the battle shows it's ugly face. Once again, a big no no! Jesus said in Mathew 26;41 "stay awake and pray, so that you won't enter in temptation". He didn't say after temptation comes to go pray! He said to be on your guard, defense up, always vigilant and praying so you won't enter into temptation. Basically, what our beloved teacher, master and Lord is saying, is to stay alert, aware and attentive with prayer so that you can defend yourself from temptation and won't fall into it.

My beloved, I leave you with this and remember this always: Our victories begin way before the battle, on our knees! May God continue blessing you all in a great way. Amen!