Thursday, February 16, 2012

He renews our strength.

Isaiah Chapter 40 verses 28 - 31 says: "Do you not know? Have you not heard? Yahweh is the everlasting God,  the Creator of the whole earth. He never grows faint or weary; there is no limit to His understanding. He gives strength to the weary and strengthens the powerless. Youths may faint and grow weary, and young men stumble and fall, but those who trust in the Lord will renew their strength; they will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary; they will walk and not faint."

WOW!!! What an amazing message. What a tremendous promise we should all be holding on to. I love the way it starts... "DO YOU NOT KNOW? HAVE YOU NOT HEARD?" LOL...... That's awesome. God tells you today, if you do not know or haven't heard, he's telling you now.

Hey! It's a normal thing for us to grow weary, become tired, stressed, overwhelmed to the point that we want to give up. We're all human! I don't think there's a superman anywhere in existence that can't and won't ever feel the burdens of today's world.
I was speaking to my pastor the other day and he told me: "Henry, do you believe that I don't get overwhelmed or tempted? I'm flesh and blood just like you! When that happens I just implement the principles of the kingdom of heaven." When he said that to me it made me realize something. We are all human and even though we can become weary at times; for those who believe, they have an almighty God that can restore them and give them strength and help them keep going.

If we return to the scriptures up above, verse 30 says "Youth may faint and grow weary and young men stumble and fall".  That telling us that IT'S GOING TO HAPPEN! It's a certainty! You will grow weary and you will stumble and fall. Now, it's what you do afterwards that counts. When the world looks like it's over and you can't go on any longer; what are you going to do? Look at the scriptures and what it says right after that; it says "young men stumble and fall, but".... what does it say? It's says "BUT, those who trust in the Lord will renew their strength; they will soar on wings like eagles".

Now I don't want to get all English teacher like on you, however let's just take a look at the use of the word "BUT" in that sentence. As you all may know, "but" is a conjunction (a word used to join two parts of a sentence) that is used strictly to suggest a contrast or contradiction, express an affirmation after a negative sentence, or express an exception to the first part of the sentence. In this case the word "but" is being used to express an "EXCEPTION" to the first part of the sentence.

So in other words, yes it might be inevitable that you will become overwhelmed, get weary and feel down and out but there is an "EXCEPTION" to the rule. What's the exception? Simple.... "BUT those who TRUST in the Lord will renew their strengths!" You just gotta trust in God and that He's there. He will give us strength where there wasn't any to spare. There's no limit to God's understanding! He understands our situation and helps us if only we trust in Him. The great news is that God never ever becomes weary and faint. All we gotta do is believe and keep going and giving it our all. He will make us fly like the eagles we all are!

However saying to "trust God" is basically saying have "faith in God". Having faith is the certainty of what is hope for, the conviction of what is not seen. So yes, to trust God you have to have faith that all those burdens and problems, even though you haven't seen it happen yet, they will be conquered and you will be victorious.

So if your having financial issues; issues with your spouse or significant other, physical or health issues, emotional issues, spiritual issues, family issues or you feel like the whole world is on your shoulders and you can't take anymore and  you just want to give up: I tell you, your not alone! Look towards the Almighty and trust Him. He will give you the strength to fight and keep moving on. God bless you all and until next time.

Short Prayer:
Thank you God because I know your with me and your helping me through all my adversities. Renew me like the eagle and I'll spread my wings and will fly high above all the issues and burdens in my life. Thank you Lord for renewing my strength and will to fight. Amen

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