Monday, February 20, 2012

Prioritizing your true necessity first!

When it comes to life and prioritization, I can truly say I haven't been the best example! However, that's OK because I'm learning. I'm learning that in life, sometimes what we feel to be our true necessities really aren't. What we decide to put 1st or 2nd should really be put 3rd, or even 4th on our list of priorities and what we put 3rd or 4th should actually be 1st or 2nd. I don't know about you but I can truly testify that my list of priorities have been out of whack (very out of order). Jesus says in Matthew 6:33 - "Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all things will be provided for you."

If you read in Matthew chapter 6 from verses 25-34, Jesus speaks and says how the natural tendency of humans is worrying about what we will eat or drink; what we will wear; how we will live; basically we worry about our necessities and how we will provide them for us and our families. We don't do this sometimes or occasionally; If you notice, we do it on a daily basis. We're constantly worrying how we will pay those bills for our home, car, cell phone; is the refrigerator empty; how will we get better pay or money, trying to advance our careers; worrying about our education....etc. The list goes on and on! But ask yourselves.... While you prioritize: Where are you putting God? Do you put God 1st? 2nd? 3rd? Or do you completely even forget to acknowledge Him?

The obvious answer to that question should be 1st! Jesus clearly tells us that God should be the 1st thing on our list of priorities because then all other things will be added on there after. God is our heavenly father and he says "Why do you worry about all these things?". "All you have to do is look for Me first and then all that other stuff will come!" You see, I myself am culprit in putting God on the back burner at times and I'm very sorry for this but the first thing needed for change is admitting it. Sometimes I would forget entirely to give Him anytime at all. How horrible is that when God gives us 24hrs everyday and we can't even give Him 2hrs, 1hr, 30 mins, 15 mins or 10 mins, not even 5 mins at times. I don't want anyone to get offended or feel bad because you feel like I'm stepping on your toes, but I mean to do so. Someone had to step on my toes to help me see the truth as well. I'm going to give you an example of a typical New Yorkers day because I have been there myself.

Alarm goes off at 6am because you have to be at work at 8am. So, an hour to get ready and an hour commute right? Wrong! You hit that snooze button because you wanted an extra 10 mins of sleep. Now it's 6:45am and you only have 15 mins to get ready and now your rushing. You hop in and out to take a quick 5min shower, throw on some clothes and your out the door. No time to eat breakfast of course! You make it to the train in the niche of time just as it's closing the doors and your squeezed in between two people who you really wish had time to take a shower this morning. Finally make it to work, and as soon as you get there your boss is telling you things that need to get done for the day and must be done immediately. The day has been hectic and now, FINALLY lunch break! You only have 30mins to eat lunch but in reality it's only 5mins because you have to wait in line for 25mins since you woke up late and never had time to make something to bring to work. Well, you scarf down your food and as your chewing on your last bite your back to work. The rest of the day goes by so fast your behind on your deadline and need to do some overtime to finish up. It's now 7pm and your finally done with everything and it's time to commute back home. After a long excruciating ride home, you walk in and now you have to make dinner, and do some choirs. Finally it's 11pm comes around  and your exhausted! You hit the bed like a pile of bricks. When you wake up the next day you do it all over again. Sound Familiar?

I hoped that story amused you but I saw myself doing this almost 5-6 times a week. But here's the interesting question to all this; WHERE DID I HAVE TIME FOR GOD? If your in this type of situation or something similar.... YOUR NOT ALONE! I have been there. Remember this... We are masters of our own destinies. My days went like that because I allowed them to. If I would wake up when I was supposed to I could have giving God 15 mins in the morning before I left in some prayer and meditation time. Maybe I wouldn't be in such a rush and would pack something for lunch and could have spent 5mins at work reading the bible during my break.

Many Christians are under the concept that they can't give God 2hrs everyday because they are just to busy. In reality God can be the 1st thing in our lives; the 1st in every aspect of our lives, in every situation, and every moment if we let Him be. For instance, prayer time is not just done on your knees! Prayer means talk with God. You can talk to God while your walking, or driving to work, right? You can talk with God while your doing choirs; while your cleaning or cooking, right? But it's not just talking to Him that puts Him first. It's acknowledging Him in every aspect. Thanking Him for everything! Praising Him with a song while you work. Keeping Him and His wonders at mind at all times. When we do this and put it in practice, you'll realize that we can give God a lot more than a couple of hours; we can give Him a lot more than even 24hrs worth! WE WILL GIVE HIM OUR LIVES!
God bless you all and always and I hope you come back to enjoy some more of my thoughts and blogs. Remember, you are not alone!

Short Prayer
Please forgive me Lord for not giving you the time you deserve. I acknowledge that in my list of priorities you should be #1 and I want you to be. Thank you for your mercy and love and I know your helping me put you first in my life above all things. Amen

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